Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) are a vital link between federal, state, and local programs, helping these agencies meet their conservation goals.
The Tulare County RCD was formed in April of 1974 through the consolidation of El Morador, Terra Bella, Stone Corral, Three Rivers and Tule River Soil Conservation Districts (SCDs)
RCDs conduct:
Watershed planning and management
Water conservation
Water quality protection and enhancement
Agricultural land conservation
Soil and water management on non-agricultural lands
Tulare County Resource Conservation District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all
members of the public. As part of this commitment, the District strives to provide an accessible website compatible with
the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, AA, and commercial screen reading software. Features of the
website are created to allow individuals with vision and other impairments to understand and use the website to the same
degree as someone without disabilities.